Metafab used to store highscore.


You wake up in a daze to a room that’s not yours. You rub your eyes. Where are you? And what’s that thing over there?

Oh god. You panic. A monster is staring at you from across the room and you sure as hell know you don’t want to be anywhere near it. You look around to find an exit, but there's none. 

Is this a dream? Are you dreaming? You need to wake up. 

You hear your music in the background—you focus on that, take a deep breath, and count to ten.


WASD to move

Space to shoot

Left Shift to dash

You have to shoot and dash on beat, when your rhythm ring turns blue you can do your action! Doing an action off beat makes you have to wait for the next beat to do your action.


Phantasm 42 MB


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